Fall brings the sound of guns going off, families getting together and the quiet coo-coo of doves. Dove hunting is the most popular form of hunting in the world. More people will turn out for opening day of dove season in Texas than hunt all year in the state of Florida. Hitting a ...
I wish I had a German hunting hat to wear on that hunt. I have since procured 2 of them for my next hunt with it. I also hunt with a 1920 manufacture Remington model 14 pump rifle in 30 remington. Both are great handling guns in the field and they both touch this old hunters ...
If you have been looking for an easy to use, lightweight, rugged high caliber air rifle, then there is none better than the Umarex Hammer. The combination of class-leading power, innovative design, low recoil, and high accuracy makes this the perfect hunting rifle no matter what size of g...
b. To present or nominate for elective office: The party ran her for senator. 6. a. To convey or transport: Run me into town. Run the garbage over to the dump. b. Football To attempt to advance (the ball) by carrying it. c. To smuggle: run guns. 7. To pass over or through...
Is the reason we “keep and bear arms” really for target practice and deer hunting? What happens if the gun control lobby gets its way and outlaws all guns? Over 2 Hours ~ DVD ~ $25.00 Go to Order Form Return to Table of Contents ...
Usually, it’s not advisable to mix booze and guns, but that’s exactly what Busch beer is doing with its latest charity effort. To be fair, they are video game guns, and the effort is about saving wildlife, not killing it. Hunting permits help raise money for conservatio...
Tammy:But that's good. No, that's really good because I'm right there on board with you because so often, people get so up in arms over guns, but if you teach safety first... I mean, that was the first thing we always did even with a BB gun. A BB gun is not a toy, and...
For example, if someone were to break into my house brandishing a gun, I think the right choice would be to have one of my own guns to defend myself with. Again, from Bernie Sanders: “You don’t need an AK-47 or an Assault Weapon to hunt deer or protect yourself.” I do ...
and received very little response. One of my high school friends, who is an avid (read: INSANE) outdoorsman, confessed to spending nearly $50K during the last two years on hunting and fishing (boat, guns, ammo, licenses, gasoline, high-tech fishing gadgets). Mind you, for this friend, ...
I picked up a pair of these and wow, sure makes the range much more pleasant. I was using a pair of noise cancelling over the top of foam plugs, but these have way better protection than the combo. I should have been using these for the last 20 years, maybe my hearing wouldn't be...