For example, 6 of my all time favorite games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Skyrim, Fallout 4, & Fallout New Vegas. I wouldn't even think about playing those games now without modding them. The vast amount of mods for those games (especially Skyrim & FO4), allow me to improv...
Just because Fallout Shelter is free, though, doesn’t mean it’s not a great little time sink and a lot of fun. Again, sure, it’s not the best of the Fallout games, but that’s just because it’s so different to the gorgeous, ...
Frank gets a case of the hips, fails to sue the critter, you know, who pulled the trigger, instead he sues the gun manufacturer for providing a perfectly legal product to someone (someone, not Frank).Again, the endgame on this is clear: the gun banners can’t ge...
And this is one of the functions of a good introducer: coaxing the new shooter into this mindstate, and then when they get the first shot off and break concentration because THAT WAS AWESOME, stopping them from turning around with a gun in their hand. Because they are no longer thinking ...