Its engaging story, strong acting, and compelling historical context make Names in Marble a unique and vital addition to the canon of films about communism. By focusing on the struggles of a small nation fighting for independence, this film offers a fresh and insightful perspective on the global...
Change a couple of names and it stands alone as a dark, urban fantasy. I like the grittiness of this story and it’s difficult to not make the connection that if Alice from the original story were Black her adventures in Wonderland would have been darker and more dangerous, like this....
My non-WoW Blog Word Furnace Tools Rofl-Bot TyphoonAndrew's Essentials Bind to Guild items and Guild Achievements DPS Whiteline Fever Lets Murder Topper McNabb Player Observations and Intollerance The WoW Code Who do you meet in WoW?
Finally, theBritish Guild of Beer Writershas announced the nominees for this years awards. A good selection for sure… thought I have never understood the surprise folk express for being nominated when they themselves submitted the applications and associated fees. And, yes, someconcernsas to some...
It has the backing of both the Oregon Brewers Guild and Oregon Hop Commission, as well as 26 breweries, growers, and allied groups (and counting) that have pledged donations to launch the project. I’ve convened a Board of Directors, and soon we’ll get started. In the meantime, let ...
Dallas Black Dance Theater made peace with its fired dancers and the American Guild of Musical Artists with the assistance of the National Labor Relations Board. The peace is more than $500K of back and forward pay in lieu of reinstatement. It was too little, too late for City Council, tho...
We’ll also see the humor in names like Chef Cannoli and Kim Chi, though those, at least, we can explain. Looking for a good book? Given the popularity of cooking programs on television there surely must be a market for food-related and cooking stories for kids and The World’s ...
Wow thanks man, I've already started searching out for that program, by any chance you happen to know the name of that program? Thanks a lot for your reply again .. Thank this user dimitri banks 12 years ago well I think best one is this one ...
Having been a judge in the past, you don’t really want to name names in these things especially now given (i) the fragile state of it all as Jeff noted and (ii) the majority of the uninvolved beer writing that does not get itself self-nominated so, you know, it’s all a bit ...
…the same in the West Indies is called MAIZE: English men call it Guinea wheat or Turkey wheat, according to the names of the countries from whence the like has been brought. The grain is about the bigness of our ordinary English peas and not much different in form and shape: but of...