planting grass seed at the right time will increase your chances of success. Healthy, lush lawns usually do not grow on their own. They need care and monitoring to root and sprout, but some varieties of grass seed require more attention than others. The best time to plant grass seed depend...
However, it is not a practical choice to seed Kikuyu grass if you do not live in certain areas. Kikuyu grass is a noxious weed, meaning it can be controlled by the government because it is considered a danger to the environment, wildlife, and humans. For example, the turfgrass company We...
drought-stressed lawns should only be watered about every 10-14 days. This will provide the water necessary for good plant health but will not stress the grass further by trying to bring it out of dormancy.
For those set on letting their lawns go wild this month, Yeh cautions that “allowing grass to go to seed will kill it,” so remove seedheads if they form. It’s also important to reintroduce mowing gradually. “The best height for grass is 3 inches tall, but if you’re mowing it d...
For those set on letting their lawns go wild this month, Yeh cautions that “allowing grass to go to seed will kill it,” so remove seedheads if they form. It’s also important to reintroduce mowing gradually. “The best height for grass is 3 inches tall, but if you’...
Lawns Into Meadows is a how-to guide on growing your own wildflowers and native grasses. Owen offers approachable, simple steps for anyone and everyone to create sustainable and regenerative landscapes, starting with even a few square feet of land. Topics Discussed • Connection to the Natural...
We have been so busy helping people and organizations convert their existing lawns to Pearl's Premium low maintenance sustainable lawns that we don't always have time to do the new things we know we need to do. So, the day before my extended family was coming to town was probably not th...
Did you know that even lawns need to breathe? If you do not aerate your soil and allow airflow below the surface to flow freely, you will have issues with weed growth and delayed grass growth. Aerating may seem complicated at first, but once you’ve done it a few times, you’ll sta...
Yes, Colorado does get green in the spring, but it is usually the fields, gardens, and lawns that get irrigation that the green appears. This year I am hard-pressed to find a non-green spot. We are supposed to be a higher altitude, arid, and much drier area – WHAT HAPPENED? I bl...
Hairy crabgrass seeds easily by itself (and can produce up to 150,000 crabgrass seeds per plant during its growing season!), and has become an invasive grass in most temperate states. It’s adapting to cooler climates as well. Commonly seen springing up on lawns, it also forms in pavement...