So I have been tooking at temps on my laptop while gaming for as long as I have owned it and tried many different things to keep them reasonable, but they will still spike at times. I know it is a laptop and cooling with a laptop is not easy. As such I h
We all know it's important to keep the processor and GPU cool, but what about the rest of the PC?
but don’t be fooled: 75 degrees Celsius is still plenty cool for a graphics card, and in exchange for the higher temps, AMD gives you damned near utterly silent noise levels. The reference Radeon RX 7600 ran quieter than any other GPU we tested here and was virtually inaudible over...
At first it works – metal case in contact places become hot even in idle mode, burning under load(thats tradeoff I was aware of). Idle temps are definetly lower than Idle temps without, in office work laptop become dead silent. But in test environment inertial fan controls fights against ...
In the meantime, why would it be dropping so much voltage when it is being put under max load and also maintains perfectly fine temps? I'm so very confused. Voltage droop, its normal for voltage to do this under load, its just strange why yours drops so much, you could reduce the...
FDSOI CPU or GPU and I/O can be on the same die, but CPU and GPU can not. BEOL-optimization for best PPAC is specific to CPU-centric or GPU-centric. With this CPU+I/O can be on a single die. Rather than an I/O die with a hub config, it would be a...
Assembly]::Load vs. Add-Type -AssemblyName [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword() /How to call a function in another PowerShell script #TYPE System.Data.DataRow Is 1st line of SSMS To CSV %username% variable in Powershell + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:String) [], ...