“..In contrast to feeding cholesterol and/or saturated fat, it is not possible to produce atherosclerotic plaques in herbivores by raising the blood pressure chronically, by blowing cigarette smoke in their faces for their entire lifetimes, or by somehow raising the blood glucose levels without si...
In addition to looking for familiar sugars on the labels, also look for the ingredients that end in the letters “-ose,” such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, and galactose. Furthermore, food companies are getting even sneakier at hiding sugars in their foods. They can call sugars by many ...
The Truth is that cancer cells need glucose – they even make their own by producing lactic acid, which is denatured in the liver to glucose, passing through the body and back to feed the cancer cells. Oncologists know of their avarice. They use it in PET scans, where the radiolog...
Glucose is an emergency energy-backup system, but it causes lactic acid to form and buildup. When stored glucose runs out, the body returns to oxygen, which is why physical exertion requires you to breathe so hard. The food supplements referenced here will help speed up the expulsion of lac...
In A clinical trial on 25 healthy men and women, a polyphenol-rich apple and blackcurrant drink reduced blood glucose levels after meals. In another trial on 62 obese people, apple polyphenol extract decreased fasting blood glucose. The Long-term administration of apple polyphenols (600 mg/day ...
OSA remained a significant predictor for clinical pregnancy (odds ratio = 0.379, P = .043) after adjustment for age, body mass index (BMI), fasting glucose, infertility duration, and endometrial thickness. OSA also appeared to reduce the numbers of oocytes retrieved and available embryos, ...
The impressive correlation between cardiovascular disease and glucose metabolism alterations has raised the likelihood that atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes may share common antecedents. Inflammation is emerging as a conceivable etiologic mechanism for both. Interleukins are regulatory proteins with ability ...
Like Nature, our bodies are homeostatically regulated, meaning that our intricate metabolic system through the cells compensate for environmental changes by making the appropriate internal changes in order to restore balance. Just as body temperature, blood glucose, and countless other internal variables...
Kidney beans are a great plant-based source of zinc, which is good news for vegans and vegetarians looking to get their zinc requirements met. These beans are also helpful in maintaining healthy blood glucose levels, providing long-lasting energy, and keeping you feeling full for long periods ...
Crystallization:slowly, into fine crystals making the honey finely creamy, because its fructose contain is higher than that of glucose. (likeacacia honey.) Because phacelia is a very common plant in North America, it is considered to beWinnie the Pooh’s favorite honey!