It's a bad day for the Good Girls. The NBC comedy-drama, which stars Christina Hendricks, Retta and Mae Whitman as three friends who become embroiled in a life of crime to give their bank balances a boost, has been canned. The show, which UK viewers can catch on Netflix, is heading...
7) Gilmore Girls: Rory Gilmore Is an Entitled Millennial by Scarlett Harris “That’s because she’s never had to hustle; everything has been handed to her. She only watched her mother struggle to raise her on her own, and even then it’s established that Lorelai went to great pains no...
As seen on Taza’s Instagram, outfits like this one will come in handy for home movie making If like us, you have been watching a LOT of Netflix recently; we say put all that film knowledge to good use and inspire your brood to write up a mini-movie or skit script together. Creat...
Where to watch: Netflix Perfect for: Watching with your other half While not a new release, we recently watched this hit movie on Netflix and can confirm that it still holds up in the comedy stakes. The brilliant Leslie Mann (the flick also co-stars her daughter) and Paul Ru...
As seen on Taza’s Instagram, outfits like this one will come in handy for home movie making If like us, you have been watching a LOT of Netflix recently; we say put all that film knowledge to good use and inspire your brood to write up a mini-movie or skit script together. Creat...
Caitlin Clark and the Importance of the Supporting Cast. The all-time NCAA scoring leader is more than a great shooter. Caitlin Clark is the best college basketball shooter ever. She is also an inspiration to young girls everywhere who have hoop dreams. While Caitlin represents stardom, she al...
“Sure, I do marathons. On Netflix.” “Brains are awesome. I wish everybody had one.” “Sweeter than honey.” “Just another selfie in paradise.” Cute Selfie Captions Bring an extra dose of charm to your selfies with cute captions. These sweet and endearing phrases can highlight your...
We have DRUMSTICK FLOWERS, we have the other ingredients… we have every member of the cast to raise the curtain on a perfectSahjan ke phool ki Sabji. Jeffin and Das pick the spot for us to cook. And frankly, things get a bit bonkers. ...
Kelly Bishop Shares 'Gilmore Girls' and 'Dirty Dancing' Secrets | rETrospective 10:10 Ciara Shares Secrets Behind ‘Goodies’ Music Video Taking 28 Hours to Shoot! | rETrospective 9:11 Wilmer Valderrama Reflects on His Journey to America From Venezuela | rETrospective 11:59 Dennis Quaid...
Making life a little sweeter with my girls. Like we were never apart. Inseparable. Sassy Instagram Captions Your Instagram posts are your way to express yourself, so if you’re bold, sassy, and not afraid to show it — let your caption do the talking. ...