本吧热帖: 1-【Ein】关于神游3dsxl 能否玩MH4 ~~~ 2-收个 银或红色 4.5以下神游 ,带GW最好,或用港版白色3dsxl换。 3-白色大神游 最新系统 带正版卡 塞尔达 鬼屋2 4-有人换日版机子吗 5-神游4.5已破解系统,带烧录卡,塞尔达实体卡1出 6-[公告]关于撤销 锋少伦 吧主管理
aDidn't mean to leave negative feedback. It showed negative with out my approval. As I submitted it. Thanks for a great 3dsxl Mario case 没有意味留下负反馈。 它显示了阴性有我的认同。 我递交了它。 感谢伟大的3dsxl Mario事例[translate] ...
本吧热帖: 1-求助求助求 2-求救啊大佬们,我把我的3ds初始化了 3-关于新大三C摇杆在游戏中不可用的问题 4-技术求助,求求各位大大支个招 5-刚买的老3DS 大家帮忙看看什么系统 要不要升级什么之类的 6-3DS精灵宝可梦崛起之月4.1元旦版!国产3DS改版 7-3DS格式3DS官方游戏全集
3DS Dreamcast Game Boy Advance Game Gear Nintendo 64 Console Nintendo DSi XL PSP-1000 PlayStation 3 Super Slim PlayStation 3 System Slim PlayStation TV DualShock 3 Playstation 2 Playstation PS One Playstation Vita PCH2001 ROG Ally Z1 extreme Switch OLED Xbox 360 System...
Nintendo is shutting down online services for 3DS and Wii U next April Nintendo’s Wii Shop Channel and DSi shops are back online Nintendo 2DS XL vs. Nintendo 3DS XL A few enterprising engineers have set out to try and archive the whole thing before it gets wiped in two months, but if...
作者:@BigHammers 平台:3DS 受托代发 ~ 作者反向咕咕了自3.0完结版后迎来真·完结版 序言 音箱蟀的崛起是一款可玩性和难度相结合的一款接近完美的3DS改版。具有很强的挑战性,想通关需要玩家好好思考,战术多增加一些策略性。 该版本手机、掌机、PC端都可以游玩,用对应的模拟器(3DS)即可。 Locky1119 12-8 161...
In our video comparison, I pit the original Nintendo DS version ofPhoenix Wright: Ace Attorneyagainst its iOS and Switch counterparts. The DS footage was captured via emulation, all though I did try a ridiculous set up to capture off-screen footage from my New 3DS XL before resorting to emu...
Please run on a DSi, DSi-XL/LL or 3DS. You won't be happy with the performance on a DS-LITE/PHAT. V1.9 : 31-Dec-2020 by wavemotion-dave Robotron now works with with Twin-Sticks! Minor cleanup and polish to end the year... ...
本吧热帖: 1-极品成色银被我摔碎了,大伙来看乐子或者出出建议吧求求了 2-ndsl机器硬件问题可以来骚扰哈 3-换下屏~! 4-NDS/3DS/switch掌机主机玩家交流群,有兴趣的朋友可以进群交流 5-148收的,大佬们看看值不值 6-ndsl吧吧主招募结果公示 7-ndsl死机是什么问题 8-(ロリ)
[good]【转发】@LetsJam来吃果酱-萧敬腾个站:20500515 #萧敬腾好多新代言# 一个人可以cos樱木花道,流川枫,宫城良田,三井寿,赤木晴子的@萧敬腾 代言灌篮高手手游啦~PS.可以期待萧爸爸出演个安西教练吗? L...