Then, there’s there commemoration of the “Seven Last Words of Jesus”, which were the seven last phrases spoken by Jesus during his crucifixion. Mentioned in the Gospels, these phrases reveal Christ’s Divinity and Christ’s Love for his people. Good Friday in the Lutheran Church is accomp...
Some years when Easter morning dawns, I am still in Good Friday. Sure, I’ve written a homily for the day but it feels as real to me as the fake lilies that don’t make me sneeze. And there have been Good Fridays when I’m just pretending to be sad and solemn but my heart and...
For seven years, my boss at the large city parish in which I worked, a man who initialed memos and requisitions “JOB,” greeted me such on this day in the Triduum. The first time it staggered me.HappyGood Friday? Even in my child-like understanding of the Roman Catholic tradition, I...
Women of the Wall (WOW) on Friday morning arrived at the Western Wall to hold a prayer session in honor of the start of the new month of Tamuz, together with “Rabbi” Sergio Bergman, President of the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ). The women were stopped at the security ...
By the time Friday night rolled around, we decided to just put her in bed with us. Daisy slept on my side of the bed, but what she really wanted to do was sleep on top of my head. I battled this dog for hours trying to get her to sleep where I wanted her to sleep and her...
So, here are my top seven tips for cashing in quick on the new big thing on the block. 1– A business opportunity for faith Like every new religion, trend or fad, Big Data has its own founding myths, theology and liturgy, and there is money to be made in it;loadsalovelyjubblymoney...
The liturgy of Good Friday consists of the reading of the Gospel Passion narrative, the adoration of the cross, and Communion. In the 17th century, following an earthquake in Peru, the Three Hour Service, a prayerful meditation on Jesus’ “Seven Last Words on the Cross,” was introduced ...
Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, is the day on which Christians annually observe the commemoration of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. From the early days of Christianity, Good Friday was observed as a day of sorrow, penance, and fasting.