fps-extension.js :O A nice extension, might be useless If yall say that this extension already exists, you don't need to tell me +87 −0 lines changed • 7 comments Opened their first pull request on GitHub in TurboWarp/extensions Public Nov 2 First pull request Add new TAS...
Roblox: 6 Mbps Minecraft: 10 Mbps Warframe: 5 Mbps Forza Horizon 5: 10 Mbps These are the minimum speed requirements for these popular games. If you have 50/100 Mbps or even faster internet connections, then you shouldn’t have to worry. However, if you do have an internet connection ...
I play roblox a lot and it lags like crazy in some games i get 50-60 fps and stuggle to get over 70fps i use a fps unlocker. My graphics mode for the game are on d3d11 you can choose vulkan opengl metal and some other graphics settings i cant remember SP
If you need something for productivity work that will play games like Roblox, this is only $530. It’s a great system for the casual gamer or for kids that want to dabble, but not ready to partake just yet in the large multiplayer games. If you want to be more serious about your ga...
ShotStar - A cool name choice for someone who loves shooting. Slemmyyyy - This is preferably said after dying in Counter-Strike or any other FPS game where players are required to respawn - it usually expresses frustration with oneself at having died. ...
For my money, I think the Nintendo Switch has a wonderful design, even if the plastic construction could feel more premium. The Joy-Cons slot into either side of the screen and you’re left with a simple (slightly retro-looking) piece of equipment. Admittedly it would be nice if there ...
英特爾實際上圍繞 GPU 提出了一些非常大膽的主張,同時保持其現實性。 這是一個集成 GPU 的超薄筆記本電腦,它不會以 60 FPS 的速度運行 AAA 遊戲,但對於圖形密集度不高的流行遊戲沒有問題。 要求不高的遊戲有大量的觀眾,我會想到 Roblox 和 Minecraft。
【情报】ROBLOX 图文情报 千山观星 千山观星 3-22 40 【理论】NERF发射器的“发射动力”种类——1.2.3扭力弹簧 千山观星 千山观星 4-9 111 最近新来的朋友比较多,看到好些问棉条的 呼啦的小... 之前我也困惑过,正好碰上我的测速仪到了,给大家做个简单的测评,方便新来的朋友选择自己适用的棉条,打...
在线创作游戏平台《Roblox》支持linux的第三方客户端《Sober》 阿柏奇 相关新闻 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8944929681 基于Godot Engine的开源在线创作游戏平台《The Mirror》 去年,知名在线创作游戏平台Roblox(罗布乐思)更新添加反作弊系统,导致linux下无法使用wine运行。 虽然开源社区推出例如《The Mirror》的替代品,...