Mobile phones have changed the way people interact on a daily basis. Today, almost everyone uses the mobile device to shop, pay bills, book tickets, watch movies, and play games. So, it’s no surprise that the casino industry is taking notice of the mobile market too. Many websites now...
19. Used to form exclamatory phrases expressing surprise or dismay: Good heavens! Good grief! n. 1. a. Something that is good. b. A good, valuable, or useful part or aspect. 2. Welfare; benefit: for the common good. 3. Goodness; virtue: There is much good to be found in people...
Bucknall eschews the use of the term luthier (from the“French … one who makes lutes” … duh), as pretentious and unnecessary — a disingenuous attempt to sound superior. He prefersguitar makeras being more accurate and perhaps more honest. It’s no surprise that Bucknallhas strong opinions...
leaving a one-kilobyte microchip inside him, in the fleshy part between his left thumb and index finger. In a matter of seconds, Radojewski has become a trailblazing biohacker, much to his own surprise. “I have never even been inside a tattoo parlor...
Going into the Top 100 tasting, however, I wasn’t expecting many surprises and, while I certainly tasted some beautiful wines, I also tasted a lot of what I expected to taste. For me the surprise and adventure of discovery in wine gives me as much pleasure as the indulgence in something...
I am very comfortable in my cisgender identity, but this particular piece is the bit of gender fluidity in me, which tends to surprise the people that I share this with, since I haven’t met even a handful of men who are househusbands. Here’s another article from Slate on homemaking....
My sister,Middlechildadvice\’s Blog, got a super special surprise in her Easter Basket this past weekend…… Pretty cute, right? He is a little vampire though. I forgot how much puppies like to bite! My toes, hair, and fingers are all sore!
Agriculture billionaire Harry Stine was born and raised on a farm, so it's little surprise that he made his fortune selling seeds. Stine Seed is one of the largest independent producers of genetically modified seeds, sold to multinational corporations like Monsanto and Syngenta. Stine is also act...
I have NEVER had a reaction to any laundry soap, so this took me by surprise. It took about a week to go away after I finally realized it was the detergent causing it and rinsed/re-washed them with a free & clear detergent! About 6 months later I picked up a sheet forgetting it ...