3. Sarcastic answer: "Wow, good for you..." If you say it this way, especially with body language like rolling your eyes or a mocking laugh, then you will seem rude and mean! :o Hope this helps! :) nozqhacer 2017年7月9日 ...
XSkip to main content Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Visit Stack Exchange Loading… Tour Start here for a...
This marks the first instance I've been able to find of sarcastic use of "the good doctor," and it comes 46 years before the instance from John Sargeant noted in my original answer. From Humphrey Leech, A Triumph of Truth: Or Declaration of the Doctrine Concerning Euangelicall Counsayles ...
I'm one of those people who doesn't believe in affirmations. If I tell myself ""You're good, you're wonderful, your talent is amazing!" the voice at the back of my head just gets sarcastic. And frankly, it gets sarcastic enough to undo any even vague acq
However, it is not uncommon in some context for it to be used to mean the opposite, such as when you are being sarcastic. So you have to be aware of the situation to interpret the correct meaning of the phrase. The use of the phrase 袭人 is a literary device that helps to convey ...
The other side, On I can be silly, sarcastic, and love a good time. 翻译结果5复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 On the other side, I can be silly, sarcastic, and love a good time. 相关内容 a交通便利,发达,但消费高,风景优美,吸引了四方游客。给游客留下了深刻印象 The transportation is conve...
In some of Writesonic’s tools, you can set your preferred tone of voice. Do you want your copy to come across as excited? Encouraging? Funny? Witty and sarcastic? Whatever tone you’re going for, Writesonic can help you achieve it. ...
I had one for most of last year, before that had a bad one, did everything I could to change (even wanted to switch careers). The thing with a good job is all that you’ve said, and all the well meaning advice of family & friends to thank God for what you have. My ...
Now, I don’t own Deseret Book. I have no affiliation with them. My response was clearly sarcastic. Which this individual gathered, but then gave me a ‘Well you don’t have to be all sarcastic about it.’ To which I countered “Don’t I?” and then pointed out that I hadno cont...