Reddit Raises $31,000 for Child’s Medical Care—in 12 Hours Shop ‘Til You Stop: How to Treat Compulsive Spending Kermit Wasn’t the Only Greenie on Set for the Muppet Movie 8 Ways to Green Your Office Without Breaking the Bank
A unique construction staging area was tucked away to manage the scale of this project. Besides deliveries and garages, a mini mockup condo model was constructed to test the materials in the field, and problem solve optimum execution and training (such as the flashing performance). The original...
Proxmox does a lot of nice things for home-scale servers. It handles ZFS for filesystems, including snapshots and backups. It has a nice web GUI for managing things, even graphical consoles where needed. And I like how it supports both VMs and containers as a first class things. There’...
From what I’ve been able to find, this scale was somewhat used in old racing applications or in Europe, but mostly failed to gain acceptance in the United States as we don’t need no stinkin’ tenths. Maybe AN just figured most people who are buying these do not actually dive with it...
GBH hastweeteda link to a very interesting reddit post by Sixpoint Brewing on the recent “investment” in 21 Amendment by Brooklyn that is fun in its bitchiness but also very telling in one particular comment: “…with a path to full control.” See, when these things happen and people ...
Food Production With pest infestations and agrowing populationto feed, farmers face many challenges. One program in South India aimed to help with AI tools. The tools helped in various areas: Provided timely suggestions tailored to the maturity stages of crops ...
For example, if one of my articles ever makes the front page of Reddit. On traditional hosting – I’d need to upgrade to a new server or move to a new host entirely. What about with Cloudways? I’d just go into server management and scale up my server resources. The process is sim...
Regarding “peddling conspiracy theories”, Im not discussing suspicions raised by people on Reddit or 8 Chan, officials from world governments are saying it. Should I censor what these nation’s officials are claiming? When do I pick and choose which claim to cover and which to ignore? Just...
University of Reddit EdX Learners TV Open Culture Open Learn MIT OpenCourseware Open Learning Initiative Open Yale Courses Utah State University OpenCourseware Webcast Berkley Education Portal MOOC Free Literatureoffers Literature classes and much more. ...
"We ought to be paying farmers for the ecological services that they provide, and we can encourage them to do that on a national scale." There is another element to the answer to that question, which is that as a result of the kind of regenerative agricultural practices that Gabe Brown ...