Fish and Wildlife Service wolf recovery coordinator for the Northern Rockies"Rick McIntyre shares gripping and poignant stories about wolves that illustrate their lives in intimate detail. There has never been an adventure story starring wolves comparable to this one."–Norman Bishop, Yellowstone Wolf ...
Inside the beautifully lit hall that leads into the tables, there’s a full-size, permanent altar built into a mini temple. I’ve never seen a holy space in a restaurant before, and it feels like an appropriate level of devotion for the sacred task of feeding fish to people. I open t...
Penguins (企鹅) live together, but each pair has a little piece of ground of their own. When a penguin wants to walk through its neighbour's ground, it must ask permission (允许). If it does not, it will have to fight. Penguins come and go all day. They fight fish and look after...
There are those who have always been as the alpha males and omega females of the humanoid kind as creators. The one name that has been used in Atlantis in the past came from the world that existed prior even earlier than that of Lemuria that of which humanoids call MU. The Alpha males ...
If not, what are your voting plans? I hope you have taken the time to at least “goggle” the names of the candidates on your Sample Ballot (which you should have gotten if you are registered to vote.) Here in Orange County, there are several key public offices that are partisan (par...
Imitation crab, made from minced fish products that are crafted to resemble crab meat, is disdained throughout the culinary industry as an unacceptably low-quality substitute for real crab. This does not hinder its popularity in Japan (where it originated) and in home cooking, where cost is of...
For example, small-scale egg production and sale at farm gates is common across the global North. This type of poultry may even have names and be treated as pets by their owners (see Kyle and Sutherland 2018), much as they are in Stardew. In contrast, the production of ‘free range’...
We couldn’t find this out online and nobody wanted to phone to ask. In the end, we suggested a 10-minute walk into town where The Old Fish Market, a rather corporate Fuller’s pub, is still selling the 1990s gastropub dream. Our correspondent was very happy with apparently excellent cr...
Male betta fish have longer and fuller fins and tails. You generally only want to buy one betta: Bettas are solitary pets – never put two males together in a tank – they will fight till one is injured or dead. Also don’t put a male and a female in the same tank – males are...
Males can weigh up to 390 kg and females can weigh up to 110-180 kg. The Californian Sea Lions live along the western coast of North America. They can live for 30 years in zoos and 15-20 years in the wild. They are carnivores and they eat various types of fish, squid and ...