These good movies span a variety of genres and themes, from the heartfelt coming-of-age story in Yentl to the darkly comedic Shiva Baby, which captures the universal chaos of family gatherings. Films like Defiance and The Diary of Anne Frank delve into the resilience and courage of the Jew...
Also ranks #2 on The Best Family Comedy Movies On Netflix Also ranks #2 on 15 Best Netflix Movies For Tweens, Ranked 4 72 votes The Pale Blue Eye Photo: The Pale Blue Eye The Pale Blue Eye is a mystery thriller film directed by Scott Cooper, adapted from the novel by Louis Bayard...
Husband, father and former stand-up comedian Ben Marcus (played by real-life stand-up comedian Michael Jr) thinks he can find a new platform as a social media star. Thanks to his social-savvy son Jack (Jalon Christian), Ben goes from being the mild-mannered production house editor ...
As a child, Cathy experienced extended molestation, which caused her to dissociate from her body and feel huge shame about her body. As she grew older, she also gained weight, which left her feeling like no one would ever want her. ...
One in which a previously strong family dynamic is torn apart when malicious forces use Alice’s grief to manipulate her. This guest post written by Margaret Evans appears as part of our theme week on Women in Horror. A common question that is asked of horror movies is why? Why don’t ...
From silent-film classics to modern rom-com hits, the best feel-good movies have a timeless power to bring out smiles—and sometimes a few tears too.
Birdy has other plans for her future. Chief among them? Not being married to a 50-year-old slob. But even more importantly, Birdy yearns for freedom. She will stop at nothing to deter her would-be suitors, much to her family’s chagrin. Written and directed by Lena Dunham (and ...
This is Drunkmento - grab a cold brew coffee because this week we've left ourselves a series of clues to figure out mysteries like: is that fountain for drinking or bathing, where is the bacon located in grocery stores, how to control and prevent rage from ruining family time, how to ...
TV Episode | Family, Drama Edit page Add to list Ron's attempt to rescue the horse of a rag'n'bone man who is taken ill causes confusion all round, particularly when Gip sees Ron take the horse. Meanwhile Dora and Steve are concerned about a horse that refuses to eat. Director Mauri...
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