With a new composition and expanded membership size of 90 members under the improved electoral system, the seventh LegCo has returned to the long-awaited rationality and members could conduct LegCo business efficiently. The most recent example is the deliberation and approval of rele...
The other thing I want people to take away from this post is the importance of community and connection. Mike is a great example of the kind of person who does well not just because of his talent (which he has in spades), and his hard work (which it exhausts me to even think about...
This is a shining example of the confrontation of the 1960’s-70’s morals, where the ‘free love’ movement meets with the ‘establishment.’ I can see this being popular to readers of the era. The plot was just a little bit thin and the sex was slightly more descriptive than I was...
Thus, I smashed the wet clay of my plans today back into a ball and started over. My kids and I chose to make art by immersing ourselves in God’s own art. It was hardly a heroic or a sacrificial choice, but it was a creative one. We took a forest stroll with a mother deer an...
Evangelise the principles of the IM Manifesto. Avoid making the IM Manifesto an obsession. IM Professional obligation to whom? “It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it.” Albert Einstein With whom do we have a profession...
How to Build a Successful Career in Cybersecurity - Daniel Miessler Good List of Practice Areas in CyberSecurity Hacker Manifesto - Wikipedia So, you want to work in security? – freeCodeCamp Getting Into Security Engineering Stuxnet The Jargon File How To Become A Hacker /r/netsecstudents /r...
“Jaffe is an extraordinary example of an older adult living by herself and thriving. She cleans her own house, does her own laundry, manages her own finances, and stays in touch with a far-flung network of family and friends via email, WhatsApp and Zoom. Her 78-year-old son lives in...
Another example is thestop buttonproblem, where a machine trained to win a game can become so aware that it needs to win that it becomes resistant to being stopped. It sounds like science fiction, but it is an identified mathematical problem that research communities are aware of, and have ...
If you are looking for the best and robust brand identity agency which can help you in real manner to make your product or services as brand through several and unique brand strategy or if you are looking for the branding consultants and corporate manifesto, so you are at right place. In ...
book. This is not an account of the people undermining the scientific consensus. As she points out, those merchants of doubt have been covered at length elsewhere. Nor is this a manifesto of solutions, though in the process of exposing our failures, she outlines some of the necessary changes...