Good–Turing estimatorSmoothing techniqueTwo parameter Poisson-Dirichlet priorThe problem of estimating discovery probabilities originated in the context of statistical ecology, and in recent years it has become popular due to its frequent appearance in challenging applications arising in genetics, ...
Statistics - MethodologyStatistics - ApplicationsCurrent methods for population mean estimation from data collected by Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS) are based on the Horvitz-Thompson estimator together with a set of assumptions on the sampling model under which the inclusion probabilities can be ...
" says Genton. "We showed through our simulation study that when spatial data are non-Gaussian, the Gaussian likelihood estimator of covariance parameters still performs better than an alternative weighted least-squares estimator for data that are not heavily skewed."...
quadratic distance estimatoriteratively reweighted least-squaresmaximum likelihoodLerch zeta functionasymptotic efficiencyzeta distributionLerch distributionWe consider the problem of estimating the two parameters of the discrete Good distribution. We first show that the sufficient statistics for the parameters are...
Communications in Statistics - Theory and MethodsA ridge-type estimator and good prior means - Pliskin - 1987Pliskin, J. L. (1987). A ridge type estimator and good prior means. Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 12:3429-3437.PLISKIN,J.L. A Ridge-type Estimator and Good Prior Means[J]....
“corrected” quantile estimator can be used to estimate the quantile probability of the deterministic frontier, given a distributional assumption. We examine the quantile estimator in the benchmark case of independence between the regressors and the error term, but also when “predictors of ...
Mann, "A good simple percentile estimator of the Weibull shape parameter for use when all three parameters are unknown", Naval Research Logistics Quaterly, Vol. 29, n. 3, pp. 419-428, September 1982.Zanakis, S.H., Mann, N.R.: A good simple percentile estimator of the Weibull shape ...
Excessive alcohol consumption remains a global public health crisis, with millions suffering from alcohol use disorder (AUD, or simply “alcoholism”), leading to significantly reduced life expectancy. This review examines the interplay between habitual
Here are some of the websites that will be most useful in your search for a new school: The National Center for Education Statisticsprovides data for each school district in the country (student/teacher ratio, demographics, etc.). The institutions (public schools, private schools, and colleges...
The results remain unchanged in a battery of sensitivity tests, namely instrumental variable two-stage regression to address the endogeneity of financial inclusion, dynamic panel generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator to avoid omitted variable bias, alternative measures of bank stability and ...