It hasn’t been announced yet re: fate of the League or what’s going on in 2024 and beyond (and I wouldn’t count on any news regarding stuff on that front until Microsoft acquires ABK and the team owner vote happens…hopefully soon). Some kind of T1 scene will more than likely exi...
Whether griefing takes place during the final match of aTFTtournament or on day one, it’s all intentional. The only discernable difference between the two is the intent. As long as there’s no proof of collusion or unsportsmanlike behavior, then a player hasn’t broken any rules.Whether ...
// https://www.mitrasinergynusantara....
FlyQuest all play around PowerOfEvil every game for him to carry, or for a while, Team Liquid needed Jensen to carry every game. We try not to be that kind of team, but we realized that we aren't perfect, either. We have flaws, and while we have...
I'm not so sure. We still win most of our games in scrims, so maybe it's just that FLY was a better team today, or maybe the teams we're scrimming are just worse in general. I'm not sure. You're playing EG this weekend, do you have any thoughts about them?
The Esports scene grew out of Starcraft which was a successful game WELL before it was ever an ESport. You don’t build a playerbase from Esports, you build an Esport from a playerbase. It’s like trying to build the roof of a house without building the walls or foundation first. If ...
and Licorice answered with his first tank game of the post-season on Ornn. EG was able to pick up an early lead off of the pressure provided by Huni’s Rumble, but Licorice mitigated his disadvantages and eventually outscaled EG alongside the rest of his ...
Yes, and I’m also worried about not being able to practice properly due to not having scrim partners. While I think this is true for the other teams as well, I think every team has their own ‘tempo’, where each team has a different pace of ...
Recently, it was revealed that some LCS team owners have requested Riot Games for the removal of the import rule. Considering how players from Oceania are no longer considered imports in the LCS, what are your thoughts on the topic?
With Clozer starting for the team, T1’s playstyle changed. They’ve become more aggressive, and their overall level of gameplay has been elevated. However, T1 has yet to beat the top teams, so I’ll be able to tell how good Clozer is when he plays agai...