In this way, Winnicott might say that the good-enough parent was better than this perfect parent. Winnicott also introduced the concept ofmirroring, in which the parent mirrors the child so that the child is able to see him/herself in the parent’s eyes. What this means is that the child...
It's interesting if you look at the history of Winnicott's use of the term, because he thought that the perfect parent was less effective than the good enough parent. And what he meant by that was that the good enough parent doesn't always meet every child's need. In fact, he used ...
In this chapter, we explore the implication, in contemporary policy and popular literature, that parents are expected not just to do a good enough job but to do the best job in bringing up their children. We revisit Donald Winnicott and Bruno Bettelheim's notion of 'the good enough parent'...
Winnicott对好母亲的定义是Good enough mother。足够好的妈妈在生产前后,对婴儿能够心有灵犀的同步感应,全然共生,然后逐步退出共生,回归自我。到孩子基本能用语言表达需求时,妈妈则不再随时盯着孩子需要什么,只要在孩子表达出需要时,不刻意延迟满足,不刻意给孩子制造挫折,既是足够好的妈妈。 ...
The concept of the good enough parent came to Bettelheim from the writings of the British psychoanalyst and pediatrician Donald Winnicott, although Winnicott was concerned just with mothers and his term was the “good enough mother.” Bettelheim not only generalized the concept to include both g...
As an alternative, Winnicott proposed the idea of the good enough parent and believed that sufficiency would be better for both the child and parent. The child would learn how to self-soothe and the parent wouldn’t get lost in their children’s emotions. “Fundamentally, good enough is an...
Every true love and friendship is a story of unexpected transformation. If we are the same person before and after we loved, that means we haven't loved enough. —Elif Safak 158 Don't ever allow yourself to feel trapped by your choices. Take a look at yourself. You are a unique perso...
It's interesting if you look at the history of Winnicott's use of the term, because he thought that the perfect parent was less effective than the good enough parent. And what he meant by that was that the good enough parent doesn't always meet every child's need. In fact, he used...
Claire Rabin innovatively applies the Winnicottian theory of the 'good enough mother' to couple therapy, redirecting attention to the therapeutic relationship and the therapist's self-awareness regardless of the methods used. Using this lens, even the therapist's mistakes become an opportunity for ...
In 1953 the pediatrician andpsychoanalystD. W. Winnicott coined the term “the good-enough mother.” For him, the good-enough mother starts off with an almost complete adaptation to her infant’s needs, and as time proceeds she adapts less and less completely, gradually, according to the inf...