The pho had buttery fat attached to the beef, and chives inside. Hanoi pho is different from Saigon pho in its addition of the fatty pieces; in Saigon they give the lean pieces and perhaps some tendons or stomach if you’re lucky. Great street food. 15. Chicken pho. Hotel Metropole ...
I’ve had alligator/crocodile in a couple situations. While the meat wouldn’t rank high on my preferred eats list, I can’t say the experience was bad either. I remember first having alligator as a teenager, while my family visited New Orleans. We had just completed a bayou boat tour,...
along with the Dr. Pepper donut at Krispy Kreme. Both burgers tasted good, but the prices nowadays for fast food eats are outrageous. The donut was okay, but if you’re not a Dr. Pepper fan, it’
"If they're called 'vegetable' quesadillas, there should be more vegetables," stated Sonia. "I want sliced-up zucchini or eggplant or peppers in there. Corn and beans aren't enough." This is coming from the only human being I know who eats plain cheese quesadillas for a meal—nothing b...
(yes, I did that), or because I added spices in her purées, or because that’s just how she is. But she doesn’t mind a pinch of cayenne in a pot of soup. And she’ll eat kimchi, even without rinsing. She likes spicy beef jerky and spicy chicharrones (she’ll eat one, say ...
1- If you really believe in the ideas underpinning Ancestral health and regenerative agriculture and if you want these ideas to actually matter and affect change on a global scale, something, somewhere, sometime has to “get big.” We have all done a great job of building a grassroots, dec...
Good Eats – Season 9, Episode 3 Urban Preservation II: The Jerky Play trailerGood Eats – Season 9, Episode 3Urban Preservation II: The JerkyAired Jun 29, 2005,Special InterestPlayTrailer - -TomatometerPopcornmeter Tomatometer Beef jerky. ...