If Shaun doesn'tlive up toeverything I know he can do, he will be immediately released. 如果肖恩没有展示出我认为他能达到的水平,他会立刻被辞退。 live up to 尤记当时小谷同学(人如其名的文艺气息迎面而来,哈哈😜)推荐给我这部美剧时,特意给我看了Shaun应聘被问及“Dr. Murphy, I'd like you ...
- Let's do something before she arrest. 为心包切开术准备手术室 Set up an O.R. STAT for a pericardiotomy. 不 瑞克 留在那里 我保证我能搞定 No, Rick, stay. I promise I've got this. 抱歉打扰了 我们准备好了 Sorry to interrupt. We're ready. 您能和我丈夫谈谈吗? Can you please ...
walkin, 而你的血压是...肖恩 请帮我一个忙 and your blood pressure was...Shaun, do me a favor, please, 并...到外面去 在大厅里等我? and... And step outside and meet me in the hall? 周先生 Mr. Cho, 重要的是你的生命体征现在是正常的 the important thing is that your vitals are...
61、 Show 光谱上的人的机会to show that someone on the spectrum可以和神经质的人结婚can marry a neurotypical person在最完美的.in the most perfect.有史以来最神奇美妙的婚礼Magical, frickin' awesome wedding of all time.如果尚恩不喜欢 他肯定会让我知道And if Shaun doesn't like it, he'll definit...
尚恩将是任何医院的宝贵财产 Shaun would be an asset to any hospital. 他看待世界的方式有点不同 He views the world a bit differently 因此看病人的方式有点不同 and therefore sees patients a little bit differently. 但我们接受他 就像他现在这样 But we accept him just as he is. 你一直这样想吗 ...
The Good Doctor《良医》第六季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,《良医》前情提要 Previously on The Good Doctor... 是你把我变成了这样 我对此真的很生气 You put me here, and Im really angry about that. 我如今坐在这轮椅上 就是因为那台手术 I am sitting in this cha
有些人需要知道你存在 尚恩 There are people who need to know you exist, Shaun. 当我年轻的时候 我希望能看到一部电视节目 When I was younger, I would have liked to see a TV show 关于像我这样的人 有幸娶到像你这样的女仔 about a man like me lucky enough to marry a woman like you. ...
The Good Doctor《良医》第三季第3集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 《良医》前情提要 PreviouslyonTheGoodDoctor... 是你把我变成了这样我对此真的很生气 Youputmehere,andI'mreallyangryaboutthat. 我如今坐在这轮椅上就是因为那台手术 Iamsittinginthischairbecauseofthatsurgery. ...
a doctor who is trained to perform surgery (= medical operations that involve cutting open a person's body) 外科医生 •a brain/heart, etc. surgeon 脑外科、心脏外科等医生 intrathoracicadj. /,intrəθə'ræsik/ situated or occurring within the thorax 胸外的 ...