The Good Doctor Season 1电视剧 / 2017 / 美国 / 英语剧情 导演:赛斯·戈登 麦克·里斯托 主演:弗莱迪·海默 尼古拉斯·冈萨雷斯 安东尼娅·托马斯 卓库·莫度 简介:电视剧以一位年轻的患有学者综合症的外科医生为中心,讲述他被招募到一家著名医院的外科病房后所发生的一系列故事。一个没有能力与人相处的人真...
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良医 第一季 The Good Doctor Season 1 第17集 全片播放 本集中文名: 暂无,欢迎添加 本集原名: Smile 播放时间: 2018-03-19 星期一 (当地时间)剧情简介: 一个患有莫比乌斯综合征的小女孩,无法做出任何脸部表情,墨菲医生无法理解她为什么要完成这种有风险的手术,为的仅仅是去与人相处。在听说手术费很高昂...
剧情简介: 通过医院的国际人道主义项目接收了一个来自刚果共和国某个部落的孩子,有严重的心脏病,梅伦德斯医生觉得这样的手术成功率太低,无法给孩子治疗,墨菲医生提出了大胆的手术建议。 还有一位播音主持人,由于失声到医院检查,结节上有一个肿瘤但无法判断良性还是活性,检查过程中活检的样本却丢失了。
This week on The Good Doctor, Shaun and Carly work toward intimacy, while Claire continues to grapple with Breeze’s death — and finds a good friend in Melendez.The episode begins at the loft and picks up some time after Shaun promised Carly that he won’t live with Lea. While it woul...
I really loved the concept and the ways all character played.really love park shi-on,Dr cha and the director and dr han..hope they will come with 2nd season... amitavadas-24312 Sep 26, 2020 Permalink 6/10 Such an abusive bunch of characters! The concept of an autistic doctor could've...
In this article, the main aim is to show how doctors in the TV series The Good Doctor use evidentiality terms to construct frameworks of credibility and responsibility that both underlie and enable medical work. Results show that doctors mostly use direct evide...
THE GOOD DOCTOR Drama In the Farewell Season of The Good Doctor, new challenges intermingle with the unresolved past. Following the birth of their son, Steve, Shaun and Lea navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood. Meanwhile, the team continues to deal with the many changes they have ...