Episode 6, titled "Lim," offers an introspective look into the emotional and mental health of Dr. Audrey Lim as she grapples with PTSD. The narrative explores how the trauma of leading the hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed her to the brink of exhaustion, both physically and...
Dr. Shaun Murphy must perform a risky surgery on a patient without electricity when the power suddenly goes out at the hospital in Guatemala. Additionally, Dr. Lim and Dr. Mateo Rendón Osma's relationship deepens as they overcome difficulties during their surgery. ...
1、前情提要LEA: Previously on The Good Doctor.我省略了一些病人的评论I omitted some of the patient reviews.这就是为什么你的分数上升了That's why your scores went up.我真的非常抱歉I am truly so sorry.你的道歉不予接受Your apology is not accepted.呼叫林医生到手术室进行紧急剖腹产Page Dr. Lim...
Full Cast & Crew: The Good Doctor (2017–2024) Series Cast (956) Freddie Highmore Dr. Shaun Murphy (126 episodes, 2017-2024) Richard Schiff Dr. Aaron Glassman (126 episodes, 2017-2024) Hill Harper Dr. Marcus Andrews (116 episodes, 2017-2023) Christina Chang Dr. Audrey Lim (115 ...
看到他正常的样子,反而觉得不正常(习惯)哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。我觉得Dr. Lim好漂亮!男主弟弟也好可爱...
这一季的<The Good Doctor / 良医>给我的观感是很矛盾的。 除开难看得要死的头两集新冠特别集,其他的集数大多都比较平庸,没能跳脱前几季的框架,甚至连对于事务的探讨都显得愈发公式化。Lea挽救医院数据系统那...
今天看good doctor有点生气了 lim把park接下的病例交给shaun做主刀医师虽然这场手术的最后 证明shaun还没有能力可以做主刀 可是又给他安排了一场又不是很顺利目前心中的排序是brown park shaun 白毛