本次活动特别安排参观GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION2024全部获奖作品,旨在让会员企业近距离感受设计的魅力,领悟设计之美背后的创新理念与文化内涵,从而激发设计灵感,推动设计创新。 PART2 「GOOD DESIGN STORE TOKYO by NOHARA 」POP UP STORE 展会期间,销售优良设计奖...
展会期间,将在东京中城限时开设名为“GOOD DESIGN STORE TOKYO by NOHARA”的POP UP店。 GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION 2023 会期10月25日(水)~10月29日(日) 時間11:00~20:00 (10月28日は21:00閉場、10月29日は18:00閉場) 会場 東京ミッドタウン内各所(東京都港区赤坂9丁目) 入場無料・事前予約不要...
Good Design Store終於在自家東京開店了,Good Design Store Tokyo位於東京購物中心KITTE三樓,除了商品充滿特色,店內的空間也極具巧思與美感,室內設計是由英國設計師Jasper Morrison負責,如他一貫的極簡風格,並沒有太多華麗的擺設,多為樸素的木質展示架,就像是一個展覽場地,產品本身就是最好的擺飾。
现在于东京首次开设实体店面,就在东京车站附近的KITTE商场开设GOOD DESIGN STORE TOKYO,过去得奖的优秀设计商品可在此直接购买,无论作为伴手礼或自家使用,都让设计更走进生活,好的设计将持续被传承使用。 什么是优良设计奖? 优良设计奖(Good Design Award)是由公益财团法人日本设计振兴会主办的“综合性设计评价制度”,...
今年4月在位于东京站丸之内口旁的KITTE商场内首次开设了贩售这些获奖作品的专卖店「GOOD DESIGN STORE TOKYO by NOHARA」,陈列超过400种优良设计商品皆是从获奖作品中精选而来,种类包括文具、杂货、生活用品、配件等,例如出自东京下町职人之手细腻的曲线玻璃杯、以灯笼制法所做的花器和纸套、儿童可安心使用的软木积木...
GOOD DESIGN STORE TOKYO by NOHARA POP UPストア 期間10月25日(水)~10月29日(日) 時間11:00~20:00 会場 東京ミッドタウン・ガレリア B1F GOOD DESIGN GOLD AWARD (Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award) 1 双夹 Smart Double Clip ...
Designed and made by craftsmen in Tokyo, Ayamé was founded in 2007 to reinvigorate “leg fashion”. Intricate patterns and textures are knitted from the highest quality yarns to produce a premium range of unique socks. Ayamé produces products which brightens up everyday life vividly by combining...
TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Japan Institute of Design Promotion, the organizer of the GOOD DESIGN AWARD, has announced the recipient of the 2022 GOOD DESIGN GRAND AWARD. Following final voting by this year’s judges, GOOD DESIGN AWARD winners and audience, Children supportive communityMagical Dagashi...
), people gathered at the Grand Hyatt to witness the awards ceremony, and to see which of the 6 shortlisted finalists would win the highly reputed Grand Award. An exhibition of all the top entries was simultaneously held at the Tokyo Midtown for design enthusiasts and the Japanese public to ...
Oliver Reichenstein is the founder and director of Information Architects, the Tokyo, Zurich, and Berlin-based design agency. iA’s usual trade is website design and consultancy along with the odd concept like theTwitter strikethrough, but the company has also found recent success iniOS and ...