答案:A.根据The speaker was very good at describing feelings.可以知到这名演讲者非常擅长描述情感,所以可以推断出后一句应该表示他话的力量感动了每一位听众,所以知道正确A.power力量.其他几个选项中,B.quality质量;C.opinion观点;D.influence影响,都没有感染力的意思. 句意:这名演讲者非常擅长描述情感,他话的...
Use this before words that start with a vowel. The— A singular or plural, specific item. Some example of the article as an adjective is: “The elephants left huge footprints in the sand.” “An elephant can weigh over 6,000 pounds!” Adverb They are the words or phrases which ...
7.ComputersA set of bits that is of a fixed size and is typically operated on by a computer's processor. tr.v.word·ed,word·ing,words To express in words:worded the petition carefully. interj. SlangUsed to express approval or an affirmative response to something. Sometimes used withup....
Find out which buzzwords to use on your resume (and clichés to avoid) using our list of 100+ good resume buzzwords and examples.
"If you think about the way we borrow metaphors from different realms when we’re describing wine, we often talk about tones and notes, which are taken from the world of music. And then in music there are things like sharpness and flavor, words that go to describe music elements." Burzy...
A.So start with something simple and easy.B.And use kind words when describing yourself.C.Understand the reason why life needs kindness.D.Kindness means doing something caring for others.E.So if you are kind to others,they will be kind to you....
Cleaned up wording for describing inflections. Update 2020-08-18: changed section about inflection, now suggesting to avoid them wherever possible; added paragraph about useful mekkablue scripts; added sample image for avoiding shallow curves, and note about extremums for hinting. Update 2022-07-...
This week,Thomas Hatchshares pictures and reflections from a recent visit to the Shenzen Education Kindergarten, a public early childhood center in China.This post is the fourth in a series on early childhood education that includes an article describing what Hatch learned about theSunshine Kindergart...
See how they breathe life into everyday sentences by talking about their qualities or describing them in better words. Example:“She is happy”. In the sentence she is happy, we can see that the word happy is the adjective which describes the emotion of the girl. ...
Trytodosomethingyouenjoy,whilekeepinginmindthatyou'redoingitforothers,andseeifyoucanturnkindnessinto a habit. (5)___ Trytofindwayseachdaytobekindtoyourself,likereading a bookorlisteningtoyourfavouritesong.Usekindwordswhendescribingyourselforthethingsyouhavedonethatday. A.Anactofkindnesscangiveyou a sen...