Democratic Consolidation and Good Governance in Africa: Assessing the Incidences of Poverty and Corruption in Four African StatesAzeez, AdemolaBangladesh e-Journal of Sociology
Africa may be growing more democratic, but leaders must also focus on delivery good governance says Malawi’s President Chakwera.
The success or failure of democratic reform in Indonesia is a key question for Indonesia itself and for the surrounding region. Although Indonesia's transition to democracy holds out the promise of good governance, this cannot be taken f... RH Mcleod,AJ Macintyre - Institute of Southeast Asian...
The forum is one of the structures of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), which aims to promote and protect human rights, consolidate democracy and advance good governance and the rule of law among African countries. "The APRM encourages best practice for political, social and economic sta...
The study conducted surveys and desk research in 28 project countries. The full results and analysis of the study are to be published in the first African Governance Report in 2005. ECA initiated this work to gauge citizens' feelings about the state of governance in Africa, to gather ...
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), condemned the idea of "booster" vaccine doses for people in rich countries when African nations will only have 17 percent of their populations vaccinated by the end of this year. T...
We build on existing literature and contemporary challenges to African development to assess the role of political stability in fighting corruption and boosting corruption-control in 53 African countries for the period 1996-2010. We postulate that on the one hand, an atmosphere of political instability...
The key principles of NEPAD remain African ownership in the promotion of socio-economic development, the advancement of democracy, promotion of human rights and good governance 新伙伴关系的重要原则仍然是:非洲自主促进社会经济发展、推进民主、促进人权和善政。 MultiUn Not that they were any good,...
The true, long-term effect of democracy on poverty might be masked by the short-term disruptions caused by the democratic transition itself. For example, Figure 1 shows that most countries saw slower improvements in infant mortality in the five years after they de- mocratized than the five ...
I have written before about the misuse and overuse of the word “neoliberal”. What I would point Swampians towards is the Nordic and Germanic social democratic model in which free trade is consistent with a strong system of social protection for workers. This includes public healthcare, decent...