Pioneer seems perfect for the slow-blue-nonsense decks that want randomLightning Bolts and land redraws on turns twelve through fifteen. We don’t have much in the way of cheap blue cantrips—Optor not, there is noThought Scour. With no actual Storm cards either, Izzet mages finally get ...
作者:Robin Dolar 链接: 逍遥逸迄 9-22 7 【DIY爱好者福利】MSE转VPT 逍遥逸迄 给DIY爱好者和自己小伙伴实际测试自己作品的机会~ MSE已经有人写了转鸡蛇的接口,但是鸡蛇要借着其他网站才能玩限制赛 VPT是virtual playable table,里面...