And one of the lawsuits out there actually took screenshots from GoodRx to show how much lower you guys are versus the funded benefit. So I'm curious if you're hearing increased chatter in the market about adopting ISP directly from employers, given you would think that that might shield t...
The credit rating agencies love the regulation requiring authorized raters to hold the designation of nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO), which was introduced by the Securities and Exchange Commission in 1975. This regulation maintained the dominance of the big three (Standard ...
Groupwise, the model correctly classified in the range of 83.6–85.6% of the 250 applications in Group 1 (good credit) and 56–62% of the 250 applications in Group 2 (bad credit). Similarly, for the hold out sample, the discriminant analysis model's classification accuracy ranges between ...
It allows you to take credit when things go well and to bear the brunt of the failure when things go badly. Luckily, in modern society, there’s no more debtors’ prison and people aren’t imprisoned or executed for losing other people’s money, but we’re still socially hardwired to...
Your credit score is three-digit number, ranging from 300 to 850, that is the result of an analysis of your credit file. Lenders use your credit score to judge your potential credit risk and ability to repay loans. Credit score ranges vary based on the model used (FICO® versus Vantage...
Herbert agrees, holding that when the consequences of respecting a constraint are extremely bad one ought disregard it (2024b, p. 51). But how to make that judgement? Fundamentally, if consequences outweigh constraints, the two are measurable on a common scale. But this pushes the view onto ...
Modern life makes debt nearly inevitable — and, because of the power of your credit score, almost necessary. Knowing the difference between good and bad debt can help you make sound financial decisions and control the impact on your long-termfinancial health. ...
Integrity has always been an ambiguous or vague concept. Integrity as a general concept seems to be too problematic in philosophical or scientific language. This paper will aim to improve and preserve the specific notion of integrity—the concept of mora
I recounted the following story to my beach crew. A friend exclaimed, “What a good blog post this is!” I hung my head. I could barely tell the story due to a bad case of woe-is-me and feeling like an idiot. My friend asked,...
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