One of the biggest benefits of having good credit is saving money over time. Since your credit score influences how much you pay to borrow money from lenders, people with poor or fair credit typically pay much more for car loans, credit cards, mortgages and other forms of borrowing. For ex...
Here is our expert tip:get alow interest credit cardinstead. Many cards on the market today have0% APR introductory offersthat last longer than Blue Nile's, and the APR after the intro period ends is generally lower. This is one of our top recommended tips if you're buying a large tick...
Space out credit applications Avoid making several credit applications in a short time frame. Credit checks for the purpose of credit decisions can cause a small, temporary dip in your score, and several in a short time can add up. That's why it's important to research credit cards before...
Your credit score tanks, and you could even lose the title to your car. Short-term, nosebleed-interest-rate loans are goal killers. *Auto loans. Why the asterisk? Auto loans can be good or bad debt, depending on the circumstances. If you need wheels to get you to your job, and you...