RAM, which is much slower. The CPU-Z benchmark is less than 32KB large, which fits into the L1 (first level) cache of even old CPUs. While technically very efficient, it also makes for a benchmark that can't stress a CPU's cache, so CPUs with better cache don't score ...
Like the 4060 Ti (and the Radeon RX 6600 before it), the Radeon RX 7600 is outfitted with 8GB of GDDR6 memory and a narrow 128-bit bus. That means this graphics card really is built for 1080p gaming—a reasonable expectation for an affordable graphics card like this. You can certainly...
RX 7700 XT -- though the price of the XFX Speedster Qick 319 card I tested is $460. The step-up Radeon RX 7800 XT is priced at $499 (£479, converts to roughly AU$935). On price they compete roughly with theNvidia GeForce RTX 4060 Ti(around $400) while generally outp...
Video Card: Colorful iGame RTX 4060 Ti 16GB Power Supply: Cooler Master MWE Bronze V2 650 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply Operating System: Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon, Microsoft Windows 11 Pro Monitor: Acer QG240Y S3 24.0" 1920 x 1080 180Hz Monitor Expand Create an account or sign...
本吧热帖: 1-话说你们4060ti玩游戏时核心频率是多少 2-dy七彩虹4060ti ad oc 3-来看一看瞧一瞧 4-昂达的4060ti怎么样啊? 5-求4060ti配置 6-吃鸡4060ti只有100帧怎么办 7-各位大佬,帮忙看下我这帧率还有提升空间吗? 8-N卡的监测bug 9-【求救】4606TI日常卡顿,严重时会黑
but I'm torn between two GPUs - the RTX 4060-Ti (16GB VRAM) and the Radeon RX 7800 XT. I've composed two builds where the only difference is the GPU: https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/user/axol_/saved/HbVK7P (NVidia/RTX), and https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/user/axol_/saved/7dnnGX ...
【特价】外星人(Alienware)R16台式电脑电脑主机ALWB-R1861FB (i7-14700F/16GB/512GB/RTX 4060 Ti)(黑色)【不支持积分补差,无货退款】 ¥13999 戴尔(Dell) 灵越7730 27英寸一体机Ins27-7730-R5709W(酷睿7-150U/16GB/1T/集显) (白色) ¥7599 【特价】戴尔(Dell) 灵越5430 23.8英寸一体机Ins24-5430-R4...
超级牛子人: 我的显示器是2k180hz显卡4060ti,开小黄鸭,设置垂直同步开的情况,左上角显示180/180,不过玩游戏或者看视频能感觉到有在补帧,但是微星小飞机个几个监测帧率的软件都只能检测到原始帧,检测不到插帧后的帧数,调整插帧倍率感觉没什么变化,左上角还是180/180,如果把垂直同步关掉,游戏会直接变成2,3帧,...
to be honest, the H440 while being a ATX case is quite small for it's formfactor - same with the air 540. tbh I'd look at one of Corsair's offerings. •NCASE M1•i5-12600kf•RTX 4060Ti FE•Z690M-ITX•SF600•NH-L9x65 Chromax•LPX 32GB ...