we’ve had many growers over the years present us with this plant problem. They’re doing everything right, except they’re growing cover crops. I’ve had growers argue with me that the cover crops can’t be the problem, but I can just tell you that I’ve...
The article reports on the application of good cover crops, which is considered the key to a successful never-till system, by New Kent, Virginia farmer Paul Davis. To get the optimum cover crop, Davis partnered with Wade Thomason, a specialist at Virginia Tech Grain Crop. An important ...
2005. Cover crops: The good and the bad. In: Proceedings from South Dakota No-Till Association "No-Till The Next Step," February 14-15, 2005, Pierre, South Dakota. No-till soil management has the potential to preserve soil moisture, decrease soil erosion and increase yield compared to ...
As The New York Times recently highlighted, cover cropping increases yields and soil quality, all while creating a potential second cash crop for farmers. In terms of vineyards, cover crops also offer protection from erosion, and a small safety net of moisture during droughts like the one ...
The University of Illinois Urban Extension says ever bearers and day neutrals are especially good for home gardens. Plant strawberries in the spring as soon as the soil is dry enough. Try to plant late in the day or on a cloudy day. The soil should cover just the roots and not the cro...
talents, you might consider babysitting, washing cars, mowing lawns, walking and caring for pets, creating and selling jewelry, freelance writing, watering lawns/gardens, cleaning windows, seal coating driveways, painting, tutoring, teaching sports skills, or buying and selling items on Etsy or ...
In 1873 for his fifteenth birthday, Chester got a pair of ice skates. He couldn’t wait to try them out. Just after he got on the ice, a cold wind hit his ears. He had to run back home in a hurry. By the time he got there, his ears were already blue. The next day he tied...
Do not use crops for human consumption. Phot by Helena Lopes inPexels Benefits of Composting Dog Poop When you compost the dog poop, you can help the environment by avoiding groundwater and stream pollution. Did you know that 20-30% of the bacteria found on the water came from dog waste...
Root cropsdon’t even require being dug up and reburied. You can leave them in the ground under athick layer of mulchto overwinter. The cold weather gives them a sweeter flavor. 2. Cabbage Cabbageis a famous vegetable which is known for doing well when buried in the earth. When burying...
For those who have bought Secher's previous book, rest assured that this one has the same dimensions and sports the same font on the cover. The two make a fine pair on your bookshelf. 3. Abundant alliteration and purple prose More so than in his previous book, Secher leans heavily on ...