Eddie Murphy returns as wisecracking Detroit cop Axel Foley in this action-packed sequel that sees him uncovering a criminal conspiracy in Beverly Hills. The film's impressive action sequences are matched by its sharp wit, with Murphy effortlessly commanding every scene as he cracks jokes and sol...
Overview: In the animal city of Zootopia, a fast-talking fox who's trying to make it big goes on the run when he's framed for a crime he didn't commit. Zootopia's top cop, a self-righteous rabbit, is hot on his tail, but when both become targets of a conspiracy, they're force...
Eddie Murphy returns as wisecracking Detroit cop Axel Foley in this action-packed sequel that sees him uncovering a criminal conspiracy in Beverly Hills. The film's impressive action sequences are matched by its sharp wit, with Murphy effortlessly commanding every scene as he cracks jokes and sol...
Eddie Murphy returns as wisecracking Detroit cop Axel Foley in this action-packed sequel that sees him uncovering a criminal conspiracy in Beverly Hills. The film's impressive action sequences are matched by its sharp wit, with Murphy effortlessly commanding every scene as he cracks jokes and sol...
Eddie Murphy returns as wisecracking Detroit cop Axel Foley in this action-packed sequel that sees him uncovering a criminal conspiracy in Beverly Hills. The film's impressive action sequences are matched by its sharp wit, with Murphy effortlessly commanding every scene as he cracks jokes and sol...
Eddie Murphy returns as wisecracking Detroit cop Axel Foley in this action-packed sequel that sees him uncovering a criminal conspiracy in Beverly Hills. The film's impressive action sequences are matched by its sharp wit, with Murphy effortlessly commanding every scene as he cracks jokes and sol...
Eddie Murphy returns as wisecracking Detroit cop Axel Foley in this action-packed sequel that sees him uncovering a criminal conspiracy in Beverly Hills. The film's impressive action sequences are matched by its sharp wit, with Murphy effortlessly commanding every scene as he cracks jokes and sol...
Eddie Murphy returns as wisecracking Detroit cop Axel Foley in this action-packed sequel that sees him uncovering a criminal conspiracy in Beverly Hills. The film's impressive action sequences are matched by its sharp wit, with Murphy effortlessly commanding every scene as he cracks jokes and sol...
Eddie Murphy returns as wisecracking Detroit cop Axel Foley in this action-packed sequel that sees him uncovering a criminal conspiracy in Beverly Hills. The film's impressive action sequences are matched by its sharp wit, with Murphy effortlessly commanding every scene as he cracks jokes and sol...
Eddie Murphy returns as wisecracking Detroit cop Axel Foley in this action-packed sequel that sees him uncovering a criminal conspiracy in Beverly Hills. The film's impressive action sequences are matched by its sharp wit, with Murphy effortlessly commanding every scene as he cracks jokes and sol...