Choose a good concluding sentence for each of the following paragraphs.(为以下段落选择合适的总结句。1.A. I strongly suggest wearing school uniforms be a school policy that students mustfollow.B. It's a good idea to wear school uniforms.There are many reasons why I think it a good idea ...
Oftentimes, students tend to rely on certain conclusion sentences and transitions more so than others. Most teachers would advise that if they had a dime for every time a student used the transition "In conclusion" to start their concluding paragraph, that they'd be rich. But this is...
The main parts of a paragraph are the topic sentence, supporting sentences and the concluding sentence. Students may receive lower marks for poorly constructed paragraphs. Paragraphs in law essays are different from paragraphs in other subject areas. 选项: A. Incorrectly written, because the ...
You must use phrases right after the first sentence to connect it with the whole text logically. Usually, these sentences continue with the first phrase and allow you to develop your topic correctly. ✏️For example paragraph,if you write about obesity, you can continue this way: ...
Finish the paragraph with a concluding sentence, providing a short summary of the paragraph along with a transition to the next passage of the essay. Refutation After presenting the evidence for your argumentative essay topic and backing up your claims, you must then refute opposing arguments. ...
Here, the writer uses atopic sentenceto open his paragraph and thenuses the following sentences to add specific details. The author creates an image for the mind's eye to travel across by describing the parts of the guitar logically, from the strings on the head to the worn wood on the ...
Directions:Readthefollowingparagraphsandfindoutthetopicsentence,thesupportingdetailsandtheconcludingsentence,ifthereisone. (1) Theneedforwildlifeprotectionisgreaternowthaneverbefore.Aboutathousandspeciesofanimalsareindangerofextinction,,andtherateatwhichtheyarebeingdestroyedhasincreased.Withmammals,forinstance,therate...
Paragraphs often require a transition phrase in the topic sentence, concluding sentence or both sentences. This helps your reader know that you will move from one piece of information to the next, improving the clarity of your writing. These phrases also help your reader see connections between ...
For example, the first line of a concluding paragraph can be: ‘In conclusion, there are mainly six main ways of how you can deal with stress.’ Words Showing Cause So, now you will see some other transition words. No matterwhat is the word count of your essay, here are a few words...
The main parts of a paragraph are the topic sentence, supporting sentences and the concluding sentence. Students may receive lower marks for poorly constructed paragraphs. Paragraphs in law essays are different from paragraphs in other subject areas....