Marla using her medical knowledge as envoy between the hospital staff and my family; her daily texts and calls to my brother and sister-in-law in Tennessee, keeping them informed as they worried and prayed, miles away; the lunches and company she offered those first days home, filling in g...
33. to concede or grant, as a point in an argument. v.i. 34. to make a gift or gifts; contribute: to give to the United Way. 35. to yield somewhat, as to influence or force; compromise: Each side must give on some points. 36. to yield somewhat when subjected to weight, fo...
Blaze is a dragon shifter who tends to stick his foot in his mouth—and some other parts in other places—when he really shouldn’t. His brother’s the king, and his sister-in-law is scary. Blaze’s last screw-up got him grounded, unable to shift into his dragon form. His punishmen...
A series of connected records from after Christmas 1611/12 suggests she attended the christening of a child: she paid 20s to the midwife, ‘att my cosen dallysons when I crisned her child’, with a further 20s going to the child’s nurse; she gave 5s to ‘my cosen dallisons coche ...
The Timessays they are in mortal danger from, frankly, sensible updates to the law. I say that as a lawyer given I have never been to such madly lavish and deeply souced Christmas parties as those put on by private law firms. But that was decades ago. Here is what is going on now...
Then the rest of the day I cleaned all the toilets. I folded clothes that had been strewn around my room for a few weeks. I unearthed white dinner napkins from Christmas parties that had been washed, but not ironed and I ironed two thirds of them. I just got so bored ironing I could...
If someone were to ask me who the best fantasy author is today, I would say Robert Jackson Bennet (and indeed I did recommend him to someone looking for Christmas gifts). I haven’t read everything he’s published (but I will), but everything I’ve read to date has been stunning. ...
California woman goes viral for 22-year friendship with tortoise she received for Christmas as a child Sydney Borchers (Fox News) LOS ANGELES – Some friendships last a lifetime, especially when one of the pals is an African tortoise that can live up to 100 years. Caitlin… ...
Finally got my hair dyed by our brewer’s superbly talented sister after the wedding. Had our first snow of the season. Did lots of brewery social media pictures. So. Many. Picture. December: All brewery. All the time. And I couldn’t be happier about it. Oh, look! A penny. Christ...
Excitement is in the air as everyone in Mermaid Bay is preparing for the Christmas season. This year promises to be more dazzling than ever when the business council sponsors a competition for the town’s lucrative summer fireworks contract. The quaint little beach town is ready to be wowed ...