I almost didn't order because some one put on Yelp that they were closed. I was glad that I made the call anyway. Food was out standing as usuall and the service was equally great. My wife and I have been working our way throught their menuee and have yet to get a bad meal!
s is located. It took them several months to get a new liquor license, but now they have a full-service bar. They have also added brunch/lunch hours (11-3), but I can’t report on that. The photos on Yelp look appealing though. We have eaten there as a family several times to ...
While having Good Friday off is a good way to start the weekend early, to me, having Monday after Easter off made more sense; everyone would usually be too tired the day after Easter to function! I guess either way you see it, a day off is a day off and maybe I'm just a little...