So chicken coops can be great breeding grounds. Straw bedding. Poop, which makes the bedding moist. Spilled water, spilled grain, old uneaten treats... Using insecticides like fly spray in the coop is not a good idea. Spraying chemicals within a confined space can be bad for your own he...
“SWILL:“The large quantity of house waste in summer due to the influx of summer population at hotels and the relatively small quantity in winter creates trouble. If all swine could be slaughtered at the end of the vacation season, much trouble would be saved; but, as it is, swill is ...
On August 29, 1939, friends dropped by their summer home in Truro and Jo Hopper noted in her diary how the woman said, “…She’d been to England last week. Said they all prepared for war—everyone has his funkhole ready for an air raid.” On August 30 she added “E.” went to ...