Carbohydrates often get a bad reputation and there’s a lot of confusion about good carbs vs bad carbs and what we should be eating, especially if weight loss is the goal. First up, what are carbohydrates and why do we need them? According to registered nutritionist Kirsten Oddy, carbohydra...
Bad Carbs Bad carbs can lead to weight gain, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and even cancer. You will find bad carbs in highly processed, convenience foods. These foods are processed carbohydrates that have little or none of their original nutrients and fiber left. The fiber...
refined carbs. It’s not all or nothing, so don’t be fooled by the fads promising an energetic, healthy you by eliminating entire food groups (yes, even carbs).TLS® Weight Loss Solutionis a
Let's Do Lunch - Eating all the Calories and Carbs you want to lose weight! With this Revised and Updated Edition of Let's Do Lunch, you eat until full in all the food groups, including all you want of unprocessed starchy carbs, the sweetest fresh fruits and fruit smoothies, lean red...
Weight-loss friendly way to prepare rice Carbs (like rice) and weight loss You can eat rice and still lose weight—as long as you maintain a calorie deficit. The amount of rice you eat determines whether you gain or lose weight, not the rice itself. ...
We need fiber and complex carbs and (fruit as simple carbs) because it boosts our digestive health, constipation, curbs cravings by regulating our blood sugar levels and helps with weight loss as well as removing heavy metals like mercury from our body AND flushes excess sex hormones from our...
carbs. Very rarely can someone use a 100 carbs per meal. That’s probably putting you in a situation to have high blood sugars, which are the concerns of a diabetic. This will also be a major factor on weight gain or weight loss. It’s a circle. Eat certain carbs and the body ...
When you average out the calories for the week on a carb cycling diet, that caloric deficit itself may be to thank for the weight loss and not so much the carbohydrate manipulation. Bottom line: If you do try carb-cycling, I encourage you to choose nutritious fiber-packed carbs to help...
One way to identify good carbohydrate is with the glycemic index (GI); this tool measures how much a food boosts blood sugar; a low GI diet can help maintain weight loss; most fruits and vegetables, beans have low GI and white and sweet potatoes, corn, white rice, couscous have moderate...
Carbohydrates are found in all food groups with the exception of fats and oils. The carbs in your diet come primarily from the bread, cereal and grain food group, as well as the fruit and vegetable group. These foods are naturally higher in fiber, helping you feel full longer. The milk,...