Good Boys Details Full Cast and Crew Release Dates Official Sites Company Credits Filming & Production Technical Specs Explore More Create a list » User Lists Related lists from IMDb users Best Movies a list of 22 titles created 1 day ago Other Movies a list of 31 titles ...
When publisher Joseph Pulitzer (Robert Duvall) sets new rules that make it harder for the young newspaper salesmen to make a buck, the boys go on strike. Bryan Denton (Bill Pullman), a journalist who's sympathetic to their plight, gives them some tips in public relations, as the newsboys...
Read the Full Review The oft used saying “Boys will be boys” couldn’t be more true than it is in the raunchy, new tween comedy Good Boys. Since National Lampoon’s Animal House (1978) and Porky’s (1981) the hard-R comedy has been a right-of-passage for youths, but it’s ...
when she takes down their drone with a pool net, in retaliation they steal her purse, hoping to trade it for the drone. What they didn't bargain on was Hannah's level of anger when she realizes they have her purse, which contains her stash of drugs, so the boys go on the run, ge...
Inspired by the recent release of Blinded by the Light and the upcoming release of It we've decided to take a look at some of other favorite movies released in that cocaine fueled neon decade that was the 80s! Help us get to 1,000 Patreon Members so we c
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Turn on one of these feel good movies when you need a good romantic comedy, girls crew film, family movie, movie musical, or throwback movie favorite.
Also ranks #2 on The Best Black Comedy Movies Of The 2000s Also ranks #3 on The 'Bad Boys' Movies Ranked: Why The Lowest-Grossing Entry Is The Best Also ranks #5 on The Best Cop Movies From The 2000s 27 Crocodile Dundee II Crocodile Dundee 293 votes The affable Australian adventurer...
She uses her magic to kill the boys, but also murders an innocent guy in the process. Her actions will come back to haunt her, as all the witches’ poor decisions inevitably do. Madison becomes more and more heartless as the series progresses, symbolized by an actual heart condition ...
Posting links to share full-length movies is not something I'm not comfortable with, as it puts me (and the community) in danger of legal action. So... anyone seen any good GLBT movies lately? (Comment on this) Wednesday, November 29th, 2006 ...