This is a blog dedicated to the Metaphysics Of Quality which was first expounded by Robert Pirsig in his two books : Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Lila. It explores the Metaphysics of Quality and how it can greatly improve both our unders
While looking for video of his performance at Glastonbury, I came across this live performance on the BBC where he talks in great detail about his journey with the Lord and goes on to sing a song called “Man Of Godâ€â€¦ Neil Diamond Pretty Amazing Grace Glastonbury ...
and the Looted Art Problem [], along with direct links to the Google directory on World War II art thefts and provenance research.The Art of Illuminated Manuscripts Falling between fine art and books, the beautiful, unique, hand-drawn manuscripts,...
When Hannah moves back to her hometown of Los Angeles, she spends a night on the town with an old friend. The decision she makes at the end of that night changes her life, and in alternating chapters, we find out exactly how. Like many Taylor Jenkins Reid books, this one is ...
I've been reading a few books on the Cactus Air Force and the Guadalcanal campaign in general and it's piqued my interest to play a game covering the naval and air aspects. Looking for something at a grand tactical or operational level that would hopefully include the use of search planes...
Basically, the books are about connecting the dots, truths archived documents and letters from courthouse to libraries, sometimes found around the world, like the Red Cross body count of WW2. It’s like beading a golden thread of precious gems, a true historical timeline. When you see it, ...
Those making decisions at the site and anyone who has eyes in his head should learn from this event, as well as from the violent occurrence that happened on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, when extremists tore the pages out of prayer books belonging to the Women of the Wall. They have to realize ...
I have read the books, believe that I can do things and venture out on my own, but I have NO IDEA what that thing is. I’m sure that, at some point, I used to know, but it seems like a long time gone. I don’t mind hard work (some of the best times at the job are ...
Some one may steal the code books and then decipher it, however that is not cryptanalysis. As a matter of interest, one may refer Wikipedia for ‘Venona project’. Similarly, ” Rolling substitution ciphers can use a set of several encoding schemes and cycle...
Apparently, at least on the books, BrewDog is losing money… well, lost it in 2021 when, you know, everyone was losing money. They ended up with almost £14m less in year end cash after taking in almost £20m in share sales… ie non-earned income. All on an net operating cash ...