Jim Collinsis author or coauthor of six books that have sold in total more than ten million copies worldwide, including the bestsellersGood to Great,BuilttoLast, andHow the Mighty Fall. Jim began his research and teaching career on the faculty at Stanford Graduate School of Business, where ...
For example, provide the best marketing books to your marketing team and other teams. 2. Be accountable for yourself and your team It’s a crucial leadership skill that allows you to keep your team and yourself accountable without condemning anyone. You can collaborate with an individual or a...
翻新设施社区改造 Management of community bases through "food" and "books" 获奖公司/组织 JS Corporation 由利用率低、筑龄50~60年的闲置设施翻新而成的社区据点。是促进人们了解当地、培养感情和创造新景点的活动基地。以“食”和“书”为主题,建立促进互动的机制。营造出了小区生活的舒适空间环境。 十六、媒体...
Did you see or hear something in the news or read about in library books on any of these topics? Is there a link with personal experiences, professional or personal goals? All the answers on the questions above help you to find your angle of approach for a conclusive speech. So, select ...
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12、教材 Tactile Graphic Books of Chinese Language for Primary School 获奖公司/组织 Zhanjiang University of Science and Technology Guangdong Ocean University 为视障学生设计的多感官平面书。包括80套触觉、听觉、视觉三位一体的融合图形内容,相较于普通盲文书,能够使整体内容认知度提高一倍,让使用人获得更多的启...
“Hoopla, a service that provides public libraries around the country with ebooks, announced that it will do more to prevent the spread of low quality AI-generated books after a 404 Media investigation showed that they were common on its platform.” “It turns out Bikini Bottom is in Frisco...
accountability AI All Data Analytics Artificial Intelligence aspiring tendencies in IM awareness Banking Behavioural Economics BI Big Data blog books Brexit Business business analysis Business Enablement business intelligence Business Management business strategy Challenges cloud Consider this corporate assets ...
Decision-making in Project Governance In the last ten years, decision-making has been receiving the attention it deserves. Business journals are filled with articles about it. And the management sections of airport bookshops are filled with books on the subject. I recommend any project manager to...
·12 教材 Tactile Graphic Books of Chinese Language for Primary School· 获奖公司/组织 Zhanjiang University of Science and Technology Guangdong Ocean University 为视障学生设计的多感官平面书。包括80套触觉、听觉、视觉三位一体的融合图形内容,相较于普通盲文书,能够使整体内容认知度提高一倍,让使用人获得更多...