The tale of three sixth-graders F-bombing their way through a series of adolescence-threatening adventures en route to a nerve-wracking kissing party, “Good Boys” (boring title) is located at the intersection of “Superbad” and “Baby’s Day Out.” The film rests on the comic potential...
The older Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books really brought the reader into the story. This is a little more passive, but it’s also a heck of a lot more fun. If you are going to consider this, and I highly recommend it for any Star Trek fan, then you really need a physical copy. ...
and that is one of the reasons I picked up this book to read now. Heavy things here on the homefront and in the world, in general, had my spirit at a low point. After reading previous books written by this author I knew I would treated to sweet times with ...
000 years ago that every individual in a society should have a right to have access to their own fulfillment as a human being. In the Second Century even good ol’ boys now known as Roman Catholic popes agreed that everybody in a society should have basic rights and freedoms—except female...
Boys varsity at 6! BONUS: Raffles and part of concession go to American Cancer Society Spread The GMG Love By Sharing With These Buttons: July 2022- Friends of SFL Bonanza Book Sale – 50 % off all books!!! Mid -August: Our Friends Book Shop will be closing temporarily for the renovati...
Sports Books and Shame Hi Friends, I watched my husband do something this morning that he’s done for almost twenty years. It is something very few men do. Actually I don’t know any that do. He records the stats for our sons foreverysport they play. Each of them have a Sports ...