Promise of Incomparable Future Glory: “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that...
W. Phillip Keller wrote very touchingly and convincingly of this final part of the Psalm. For him, verse six is the climax and essential message of the Psalm: “My personal conviction is that this is the most significant sentiment that David had in his heart as he ended this hymn of pra...
Do You Want To Take A Test For Addiction? Do You Want To Understand The Bible Better? Do You Work Out? Does God Allow Evil? Does God Approve Of Tattoos? Does God See Our Heart? Does Jesus Live In Your Heart? Does Love Change Things? Does Pride Come Before A Fall? Drinking Problem...
A friend of mine, asked me to help lend a visual for a tent. After studying Acts 2:26 in Women’s Bible Study, it’s what comes to my mind whenever I think of, or see a tent:) Acts 2:26 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest in hope(NIV...
000 other Episcopalians in the hot sun outside the Hutto Detention Center, a holding place for migrant women, many of whom had been separated from their children. The Center has been the subject of numerous allegations of physical and sexual abuse of detainees. The liturgy featured scripture ...
Lord, my heart is broken over my sins. I am hurting over many things in my life. If I’m “real” with you, the past year has brought hurts and pain from people, events, and experiences I’ve endured. Thank you for being my Savior, and my Healer, Jesus. Bind up my wounds and...
My goodness, can you say Chief Tui?In holding back our children from living courageously and fearlessly for God, we are actually hurting the very kingdom we profess to serve! Now, my kids are ages 9 and 10, so I still have a few years before they potentially break my heart by going...
This is the time when I can confirm teenage Chelsea’s suspicion that yes, I would protest. Yes, I would speak out. There are people hurting in this country. We may technically have Civil Rights laws, but we all know a law doesn’t change a heart. ...
This is the time when I can confirm teenage Chelsea’s suspicion that yes, I would protest. Yes, I would speak out. There are people hurting in this country. We may technically have Civil Rights laws, but we all know a law doesn’t change a heart. ...
please pray my mother and brother, and pray for my mother surgery uter read more... Ramon Argila de Torres y Sandoval I pray to love the Lord Yeshua with all my heart and to boldly speak H read more... james i resigned from my current job due to bad circumstances,looking for an...