When it comes to looking at the Bible, all Scripture is profitable and good and can be used of God. Yet there are certain Scriptures that naturally draw our attention since we are approaching the very end of the world. 如此我们做什么以我们的时间? 当它来到看圣经时,所有圣经是有益和好,并且...
4No, indeed! God tells the truth, even if everyone else is a liar. The Scriptures say about God, “Your words will be proven true, and in court you will win your case.” 5If our evil deeds show how right God is, then what can we say? Is it wrong for God to become angry and...
whose daughter Carmen was a senior at Parkland High School and was president of her Episcopal youth group when she was murdered at school. Their tearful recollection of their ordeal, and the silent witness of Carmen’s younger brother and sister beside them, called us all to mindful attention ...
BLESSED Lord, who has caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of your holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you ha...
The Holy Scriptures – The Holy Bible To The Light The Disciples and Faith First in Combat The Divine Lord Rules the Universe True Conscience The Internal Man Belongs to the Divine Lord Truth, Faith, and Good Truth has Life from the Celestial No Good Except From Love Radiations of Light Di...
Are you a good person according to God's standards? And if so, are you good enough to go to Heaven? Find out if you need God or not.
The great apostle Paul points to this truth when he says in Romans 1:1-4, Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God-- the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son, who as to his ...
Turn it over and over because everything is in it. And reflect upon it and grow old and worn in it and do not leave it, for you have nobetter portionthan this.”(Mishnah, Avot 5:2) There’s no better portion in life than learning the Scriptures. To ruminate in its profound insigh...
August 24, 2024:Introduction to “Types of the Antichrist”(Message begins at the 6′ 45″ mark. In this message, Pastor Ben Hickam begins by showing and commenting on a video of the closing ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics. Then he reads and comments on certain relevant Scriptures. This se...
When I found myself in the book of Job and Ecclesiastes, it was for me. Me, me, me. However, Friday turned my eyes another direction. And through the gift of God’s Spirit and hindsight, I quickly saw those holy scriptures in reference to someone else. And I comprehended the ...