Download the Guitar Backing Track of Good as made famous by Better Than Ezra for Rhythm Electric Guitar, Rhythm Electric Guitar (Arpeggio), Lead Electric Guitar, Arr. Electric Guitar. HQ Quality, Multiple Versions. Get your MP3 now!
歌手:Better Than Ezra 音轨数:4 乐谱类型:未知 乐谱《Good 2》由琴友【TakeHard】上传分享,权益归制作者所有, 但最终的版权仍然是原曲作者或所属单位所有,如果您是原曲作者或所属单位你可以选择强制【下架此谱】或【与制谱者分享权益】。 上一首 下一首 失真吉他(DISTORTION GUITAR) Good 2 Track 1 ...
Go pound sand, Ezra (wisdom comes, but too late) A cautionary tale for those who so willingly proclaim the latest discoveries of the literary promoters to be masterpieces. In Humphrey Carpenter’s 900-page biography of Ezra Pound, A Serious Character: the life of Ezra Pound, the man is ne...
the Bull and Barrel has made the touch decision to close our doors," owners shared on Facebook. "It has been an amazing 7 years. A family has been created from Bull and Barrel and that bond is stronger than COVID will ever be!"...