The average credit card interest rate may also depend on the credit card type you’d like to apply for. For example, unsecured credit cards usually charge lower rates, while secured credit cards come with higher APRs - the lower your credit score, the higher your APR. Credit cards designed...
Some credit cards charge the same APR to all customers. Others have APR ranges — for example, 16.99% to 26.99% — and where you fall in that range is determined by your creditworthiness. That’s why the lowest advertised APR isn’t always what you'll get. In general, though, the ...
Explore types of credit card APR, how APR is determined and how to get a good annual percentage rate for your credit card.
An excellent credit score can work in getting you a credit card with a good APR, and the reverse holds true as well.
For example, let’s compare two of thebest cash back credit cards, theWells Fargo Active Cash® Cardand theCiti Double Cash® Card: Card NameAPRCardholder Perks Wells Fargo Active Cash® Card19.24%, 24.24%, or 29.24% Variable APR ...
See more Continue Regular APRAnnual FeeCredit Needed 35.90% Fixed See terms Fair/Poor/BadAbout good credit cards What is good credit? Why choose a good credit credit card? What's in a credit card for good credit? Will applying for a credit card hurt my good credit?Helpful...
Types of credit card APRs First, let’s explore the different types of annual percentage rates for credit cards. Purchase APR:A purchase APR -- the standard APR you’ll most often hear about without the word “purchase” in front of it -- is for any new purchases made on your credit ...
on Credit One Bank's secure siteSee Rates & Fees Intro offer Hover to learn more N/A Rewards rate Hover to learn more 1% - 5% Annual fee $95 Regular APR 29.24%* Variable Why you'll like this: Its potential for credit line increases with responsible card use encourages you to build an...
1) Scouting for offers:Credit card companies often offer introductory rates of 0% or 1.9% for a certain length of time. Look for the good ones in your junk mail, be very careful in reading the fine print. First, you need to note the introductory APR and the length of the introductory...
Balance transfer cards offer temporary interest-free periods so you can just make payments toward your principal balance without worrying about accruing interest. If you want to maximize no-interest periods, consider the Citi Simplicity® Card with a 0% intro APR for 21 months on balance ...