Selected Aspects of Animal Husbandry and Good Laboratory PracticesFox J.doi:10.3109/15563657908989908FoxJamesTaylor & FrancisClinical ToxicologyFox J. Selected aspects of animal husbandry and good laboratory practices. Clin Toxicol 1979; 15:539-553...
Good Laboratory Practices. Available at: OECD.(1998) OECD series on Principles of Good Laboratory Practice and Compliance Monitoring. Available at: em(98)17&doclanguage=...
The main point is that many of the stories concern secretive cults which are unwelcoming to outsiders and cling to arcane practices and rituals. Which brings us to CAMRA. And… somewhat similarly but not… can we expect someone or something to brew a “Six Finger Stout“? …researchers say...
10 constraints on implementing good management practices designed to improve the health and productivity of pig production, ensure the health of workers, reduce environmental pollution and allow customers to trace the origins of their products, collectively known as Good Animal Husbandry Practices. Low...
Selected aspects of animal husbandry and good laboratory practices.FoxClinical toxicologyFox J. Selected aspects of animal husbandry and good laboratory practices. Clin Toxicol 1979; 15:539-553