Element claims this deck is designed to endure and they are not joking about that promise. This skateboard deck will truly outlast the regular cheap products in the market. The deck has a medium concave that is perfect for tricks and cruising. It is not so flat that you can’t achieve f...
This week, describing potatoes as a person, Steve orders fancy water to not seem cheap, attack of the killer insects, we stumble into an episode of CSI at Wal-Mart, fireworks in the complex, dueling Massholes, the Wizard of Oz and the gold standard, our trip to a Matthew Ebel house pa...
For the sake of being meta, here is a picture of me in the room writing this talk. Look at how happy I am. No big, cheap smiles; instead, you’re seeing a deep and genuine gratitude created by the humility and awe that the room inspires. Those ceilings above me are 16 meters high...