一个人的品味由多个因素共同塑造,最直接的是一个人成长环境的文化,中国的文化是什么也许透过 frog Design 的创意总监Jan Chipchase 的这几张图你就能看出一些,财富和贫困的差异,西方文化和传统文化的差异,梦想与现实的差异在这样差异巨大的多元文化下成长起来的人,对差异化会比较包容,品味自然也就比较宽松,可以说中国...
product designinformation frictionsinformation transmissionsignalingcomplexityregulationfinancial productsThis paper explores the incentives of product designers to complexify products, and the resulting implications for overall product quality. In our model, a consumer can accept or reject a product proposed by...
妙集认为丑的设计源于客户的“坏品味”。 其中包含两方面含义:1、客户选择合作设计者时的“坏品味”;2、客户选择设计方案时的“坏品味”。由此可见“品味”起到了极其重要的决定作用,那就让我们针对“品味”细细道来。 1. 品味和能力? 一个人最需要的就是好的品味(Taste)。当我们说一个人品味好的时候,常是指...
James L. Adams is professor emeritus at Stanford University, where he chaired several programs, taught courses on design and creativity, and participated in many executive programs. Trained as an engineer and artist, he has conducted corporate workshops around the world and has written the bestselli...
GOOD DESIGN & BAD TASTE好设计&坏品味 丑的设计是如何诞生的?妙集认为丑的设计源于客户的“坏品味”。 其中包含两方面含义:1、客户选择合作设计者时的“坏品味”;2、客户选择设计方案时的“坏品味”。由此可见“品味”起到了极其重要的决定作用,那就让我们针对“品味”细细道来。
When the design student showed me his sketches, he was showing me that he was a designer. All creative, talented people recognize the value of process, and have no concerns about revealing to others that it takes many bad ideas to obtain good ones. You want the bad ideas to come out ...
Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later: Alternative Mortgage Products and the Mortgage Crisis Mortgage contract design has been identified as a contributory factor in the recent market crisis. Here we examine alternative mortgage products (including... Michael,LaCour-Little,Jing,... - 《Real Estate Economics...
3. Code and Design View Being a visual person I love to see what my code is crafting. Therefore having the ability to code as well as see what I am getting in the WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) is really helpful. When using DW I personally switch between the code and de...
SelfCAD: The Good and the Bad Let’s just get this out of the way:SelfCADmight have a bit of an identity crisis going on at the moment. The software descriptions on its website vary from targeting a beginner-friendly crowd and those just starting out with 3D design, to being software ...
Good Design 与 Bad Design GoodDesign与BadDesign ——关于那些纸盒包装设计 何为“好包装”?包装是指用于盛放货品的容器及其包扎物。包装不仅具有充当产品保护的功能,还具有积极的促销作用,要使包装起到后一种作用,在包装设计上就要遵循“目、理、好”原则。“目”即醒目。包装要起到促销的作用,首先要能引起...