the power of AI, we analyze satellite images, track animal behavior, and decode forest sounds to arm scientists with the tools to protect biodiversity more effectively. By sharing our innovations and insights, we strive to pave the way for a sustainable, thriving planet for generations to come....
该模型已在 Google AI Studio 和 Gemini API 上线。 Kilpatrick 在另一条帖子中透露,面向普通用户的正式版本正在开发中,但未透露具体发布日期。 🔗 Hunt for Tools|先进工具 💥 DeepSeek 全新推理...
据Forbes 报道,这支广告由 Secret Level、Silverside AI 和 Wild Card 三家 AI 工作室使用四种不同的生成式 AI 模型制作,意在致敬该公司 1995 年的「节日来临」广告。 画面包含驶过雪街的红色可口可乐卡车,以及戴着围巾和针织帽、手持可乐瓶的人群。 不过,许多创意人士批评该广告「缺乏灵魂」和「毫无创意」。
🎮《超级马里奥兄弟》也能用 AI 视频生成? 生成式 AI 与「第九艺术」游戏最近频繁产生交集。 继上周 Google GameNGen AI 模型展示其生成《毁灭战士》的能力后,又有开发者利用一张 RTX 4090 显卡,用 AI 视频生成技术成功模拟《超级马里奥兄弟》的游戏画面。 由GitHub 用户欧尼・周和布瑞恩・林领导的 MarioV...
Peter’s Basilica using thousands of images, enabling people to explore it in detail from anywhere in the world. AI detected cracks and missing mosaic tiles, helping to ensure the preservation of the Basilica as a cultural, spiritual, and historically significant site for years to come. Website...
Generating an AI artwork is to " create reality", Cohen argued,adding that being able to tell whether the work is real or not requires high media literacy(媒体素养) skills. "The world may not be ready for how realistic the images have become," Shane Kittelson, a US researcher, told The...
Generating an AI artwork is to "create reality", Cohen argued,adding that being able to tell whether the work is real or not requires high medi a literacy(媒体素养) skills."The world may not be ready for how realistic the images have become, " Shane Kittelson, a US researcher, told ...
近期开赛的亚马逊云科技【AI For Good - 2022 遥感光学影像目标检测挑战赛】中,尺寸动辄超过10000 x 10000的卫星遥感图像让许多选手感到头疼。同时遥感影像中目标尺寸差别大、角度各异也导致常见的CV框架难以实现快速精准的目标识别。 为解决广大选手作品优化难题,赛事官方特邀亚马逊云科技资深应用科学家王鹤男直播分享赛事...
Hunt for Tools|先进工具 Google AI 搜索装了个 MIdjourney?轻松文生图 在10 月 12 日的 Search On 活动上,Google 宣布退出 AI 搜索的新功能。 比如,当你在使用搜索引擎找不到合适的图片时,可以通过描述性提示词,指定生成想要的图像。 该功能由 Google Images 的图像生成功能支持,结果中最多提供四个生成的图...
Peter’s Basilica using thousands of images, enabling people to explore it in detail from anywhere in the world. AI detected cracks and missing mosaic tiles, helping to ensure the preservation of the Basilica as a cultural, spiritual, and historically significant site for years to come. Website...