1. a conventional expression of greeting or farewell Synonym: afternoon近义词 临近词 afternoon下午 相关列句 Good afternoon. How much? How long? How nice! How beautiful! A: Good morning. B: morning.(下午好!多少钱?多久?(多长?)多漂亮啊!多美啊!) Good afternoon and welcome.(下午好,欢迎...
我的答案:ACD 2【判断题】We can use “Good morning” or “Good afternoon” in the beginning of an email as salutation. 我的答案:对 3【判断题】Emails allow us to keep projects moving when our co-workers are unavailable or on the other side of the world. 我的答案:对 4【判断题】The s...
Thank you has a synonymthat isverb to thankwe can use itin different ways. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate you being so kind to me. I am very grateful to you. I don't know how to thank you for what you've done for me. If we are chatting with someone via email and ...
Good Friday Traditions Many Church services are held in the afternoon, usually between noon to 3pm, to remember the hours when Jesus was crucified on the cross. Some churches observe the day by re-enacting the process of the cross in the rituals of stations of the cross, which depicts the...
For some Calvinists, the term “Arminian” is a synonym for heresy. (And the favor gets returned.) And, when we disagree with someone, we often trot out labels, so we don’t have to take seriously their point-of-view. Label’s I’ve used. I’ve been pondering the labels I’ve ...
Good afternoon. Goodnight. If we want to go a little further than thegood afternoon greetings, good morning and good night, we can also ask the person about theirstate of feeling: How are you? How are you? How are you doing Do you want moregreetings and examplesof this type? Here's ...